Cis or cisgender means that the person in question feels that he or she belongs to the gender that was "given" to him or her at birth. Or in other words, a man who was born with male sexual characteristics also identifies as a man. And likewise, a cis woman also feels like a woman if she was born with female sexual characteristics.
The word Cis comes from Latin and means something like "this side". Body and gender identity coincide here.
Many people today unfortunately still talk about "normal" when they talk about cis gender. In the eyes of many queers, this is a form of linguistic discrimination, because it indirectly suggests that everything else apart from cis is "abnormal". The "opposite" of cis gender is "trans". Even though there are many other subtypes, this is a way to bring "trans" and "cis" a bit closer to a person who has dealt with the terms comparatively little so far.
What advantages do cis people have in society?
Cis people usually have to deal with significantly less prejudice than trans people. This is partly because they conform to the general, traditional expectations of most people.
The advantages that cis people enjoy in everyday life, show themselves on the most diverse levels. For example, it is absolutely no problem for them to choose a toilet in public buildings. Many responsible parties have made significant improvements here in the course of recent years and offer, among other things, toilets for "diverse". However, these are far from being available everywhere.
Do people look at their cis gender?
Whether a person is cis or not sometimes only becomes apparent at second or third glance. Sometimes not. In a time in which the possibilities of self-actualization are becoming greater and greater and there is also constant discussion about whether there are really "only" two genders, cis gender also plays an increasingly important role.
Due to the threat of discrimination by society, some trans people do not yet dare to break out of a predefined cis gender and stand up for themselves. They often hide behind the facade in order to avoid being noticed.
Those who are not cis and are looking for help around coming out and co. will find comprehensive counseling services on the topic in many cities. This ensures that no one has to feel alone.
When do you realize that you are not cis?
There is no standardized answer here. Many people notice as early as kindergarten age that their gender identification does not match their physical characteristics. Sometimes, however, it also takes a little longer for those affected to realize that they are not cis but, for example, transsexual.
The fact that a close relative or friend is not cis can frighten many from the closer environment. However, it is especially important to be there for the people in question and to show them that their self-identification has no influence on the existing relationship.
Due to the fact that even today many people do not dare to come out as non-cis, there are unfortunately no completely accurate statistics on how high the proportion of cis people in society is. It can be assumed that the actual number is somewhat lower than the corresponding surveys might lead us to believe.
Cis are men or women who are born in the gender they identify as. Most of the time, these are the people who often do not want to understand those who think differently.
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