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FAQ FlirtBlue

You want to use FlirtBlue to get to know interesting people and to flirt with them, but you have some questions? Perhaps you are already a member, and you’ve got some questions concerning using our platform? Welcome to our FAQ section! We are sure, that you’ll find the answers for all your questions right here. If not, feel free to contact us! Our customer service will help you further! What do I have to know about FlirtBlue? We put a lot of time in Flirtblue. We wanted to create a platform, which is self-explaining. But nevertheless it might be possible, that you have some questions. No problem! It takes a little time to explore a new platform like FlirtBlue. We are very sure, that you’ll have a lot of fun here. At first it is important to register. Please choose a photo, which is meaningful and shows you in a handsome way. In addition to that it is helpful to use the right words to show, who you are and what you expect. This gives you the possibility to get some attention. Take your time to create a profile that is able to represent you in a very authentic way. After you filled your profile with these and more information, you can have a look around. Please check your profile and take care, that you put in the right information concerning your sexual orientation and the things you expect from your flirt partner. Otherwise it’s not possible for our system to propose the right people to you. You can use our search function, too, to find interesting people near you. Just fill in the city or region you prefer. Some functions on our FlirtBlue platform can be used for free. E. g. you don’t have to pay for the forum and the cruising areas. You don’t have to pay for the basics. If you want to get a little bit more attention, you should think about the premium version of FlirtBlue. It doesn’t matter, which option (basic, silver, or gold) you choose: Have fun! What do I have to pay for FlirtBlue? You can register on our platform for free. Create your own profile, start loading pictures, use our search function to find people near you and to get to know gay cruising areas. If you want to, you can leave comments and have a look around in the forum. If you want to get in touch with even more functions you should think about a premium membership. Depending on the type of membership, we offer different conditions. Take your time to compare your possibilities. After you chose your membership, you can check out the price for it. How can I change my location on Flirtblue? You moved from one city to another or you are on holidays and want to change your location on Flirtblue? No problem! Just visit your profile, choose “settings” and use the menu to fill in post code, region and so on. Please note: If you chose a basic membership (and no premium membership) it is only possible to chance your location once! If there are any technical problems, please feel free to contact out customer service. Our team will help you further. Can I change my password for the FlirtBlue platform? Of course it is possible to change your password! At first you have to click on your profile and choose “settings”. After that choose “Your profile”. In this section it is possible to create a new password. Don’t forget to save everything. Before your new password is active, you have to type in your old password once again. After that it is important to confirm everything. Congratulations! You’ve got a new password! What do I have to do if I forgot my password? You forgot your password? No problem! In this case just click on “Forgot password”. You’ll find this section on your login page. After that you only have to follow the instructions on the screen. Is it possible to reactivate an old, erased profile? You decided to erase your old profile and to cancel your membership? We are happy, that you decided to come back, but sorry to tell you, that it is not possible to reactivate a profile, that was erased. When it’s gone, it’s gone. But don’t worry. It doesn’t take much time to register on FlirtBlue. FlirtBlue is not shown correctly – what shall I do? We do everything to make sure that FlirtBlue can be used without any interruptions. If you have problems with the presentation on the screen, it might be possible, that there is a technical problem. In this case please follow these steps: Did you update your browser to the newest version? Erase your cache and the cookies. Restart your browser. Login. If the problem still exists…: Choose another browser. (If you already noticed that it is always the same browser, that doesn’t work, please tell us. We’ll try to take care for this.) Deactivate every add-on (just for a short time) and plug-ins. Restart your browser. Inform your antivirus program, that is reliable. Please make sure, that your antivirus program has no problems with the operating system you use. You need more help? Contact our customer service or check out the help section of our browser. I want to get in contact with the FlirtBlue customer service. Which possibilities do I have? It might be that you have a question, which is not answered in our FAQ section. In this case feel free to contact our customer service! It is possible to write via our social media platforms on facebook and twitter. If you want to, you can also write an e-mail or use the contact formular. We’ll get in contact with you as soon as we can. You have no question but feedback? We are looking forward to hearing from you! Use the contact options we mentioned in this article.

Did you ever hear about the importance of the first impression? Well, sometimes “real life” and FlirtBlue are not as different as you might think. On our FlirtBlue platform it is possible, too, to get some attention with the “right details”. Let’s be honest: Your profile is the first thing, people get to see from you on FlirtBlue. It is very important to find the right words and to choose the right pictures. Let all the others know, what is so special about you! You have questions concerning your profile? No problem! Just have a look at the following sections! If you want to, you can contact our customer service, too. He will help you further. How can I put new information on my profile? If you want to “update” your profile click on the “settings” button, which is beside the details, you want to update. Change the things you want to change, confirm everything and save the new information about you. Updating your profile is very easy and it doesn’t take a lot of time. Which orientations can I choose and how can I change my details? We want to create a platform, which welcomes everybody. Your sexual orientation doesn’t matter! If you want to search for a special orientation, you have to use the search filter. There you’ll find the section “orientations”. Just change the details and make sure, that the system is able to propose the right people for you. On our FlirtBlue platform you can decide between: - Gay - Bisexual - Queer - Straight. When you chose the orientation, it is important to save everything. Did you know? It is not only possible to search for special sexual orientations. If you want to you can use the filter to search for age or gender. Just use the settings to get to know a lot of interesting people! Can I change my user name? After confirming everything you realized that there is a mistake in your user name? No problem! Just contact your customer service! Out team will help you further! Please write your issue clearly and directly to make sure, that we are able to do the corrections fast and right. In some cases we ask for a proof of identity. We hope, that this is okay for you. (An example: Your new name and your old name are completely different from each other.) Please note that we welcome everyone on FlirtBlue. We want you to feel good. Because of this we won’t agree to names, which seem to be discriminating others. Can I change the details concerning my gender on FlirtBlue? Yes, this is possible. Just click on “settings” and after that on “Your personal details”. In this section it is possible to leave information concerning your gender. After you chose the right option, click on “save”. You can choose between “man”, “trans man”, “trans woman” and “non binary”. Can I change my birthday on FlirtBlue? There is a mistake concerning your birthday? No problem! Of course it is possible to change everything to the right. Just click on “settings” and after that on the button, which belongs to your personal details. In this section you can choose the right birthday and save everything. Please note, that it is only possible to change your birthday once. After that everything should ne right. It is not possible to change your birthday and you didn’t change it in in the past? In this case please contact our customer service. Our team will help you further. It would be helpful, if you sent your right birthday in an e-mail. How can I change my post code? We already answered that question in our FAQ section. Just have a look around. I want to put text in my profile: About which details should I take care of? Your profile is something like a “business card”. A lot of members will use it to decide, if they want to get to know you or not. Because of this it is important to spend some time in the text you use to present yourself. It is cool to create positive vibrations. Sentences like “I didn’t have sex for a long, long time…” can be very boring. By the way they sound kind of desperate. Use the space you have to talk about your hobbies and the things you like. Of course you should show yourself from your very best, but stay honest. Your profile gives you a lot of possibilities to get to know a lot of interesting people. You don’t have to complete it in one hour! Take your time. And if you realize afterwords, that your forgot something, it’s no problem to “update”. Can I have a look at the profiles, that visited me? You want to know, who clicked on your profile? No problem! You can have a look at this kind of information, too. On the other side it is possible to visit your visitors, too. Perhaps you are interested in each other and this is the beginning of a great love (or sex) story? How can I make sure, that my FlirtBlue profile becomes more attractive? You want to get more attention for your profile? If you ask yourself, why you don’t have more visitors, you can do some “updates”. We are very sure, that your profile will become more popular with a few “tricks”. Besides good pictures and an interesting text, it is important to change to the premium membership of FlirtBlue. Just have a look at the prices and conditions on our site. It is very important for us to stay transparent, so that everybody knows, what he gets. Don’t forget to become more active in the FlirtBlue forum. Here are a lot of users, who are looking forward to hearing from you. Can I hide my profile from FlirtBlue? You won’t be online within the next few weeks? In this case it might be helpful to use our ghost mod. Ghost mod means, that other users are not able to see your profile anymore. Your profile is still there, but its not erased or something like that. But please note: If your profile is turned into ghost mode, it won’t appear in searches, in favorites or as profile visitor any more. Only members, that were already in contact with you are able to write messages to you. To change into ghost mode, click on “settings” and after that on “ghost mode”. At the end of the page you can activate the ghost mode. What means “favorites”? On FlirtBlue it is possible to mark other profiles as favorites. You’ll find all of them in your “favorites folder”. Plus: You can check, who marked you as his favorite. Just choose at the top of the page the details you want to see. Please note: You are only able to see, who marked you as his favorite, if you use FlirtBlue as a premium member.

You want to get to know interesting people, who live near to you? Or people, who are just “right now” in your city? FlirtBlue helps you further! Just use our search function to find people, who are on locations you prefer! Have a look at those users, who fit to your own expectations! Perhaps you’ve got some questions concerning the search function? Have a look at the following sections! How can a user become a favorite? To mark a user as one of your favorites, it is important to visit his profile at first. After that you click on the symbol on the right corner at the bottom. If there is no star, click on the button “Add as a favorite”. If you already chatted with that person, you’ll see the star besides his messages. In this case it is possible to mark him as a favorite from here, too. After that you’ll see him in your favorites list. Of course it is possible to remove him from this place, too. How can I remove a user from my favorites list? A favorite is not your favorite anymore? Of course, you can remove him from your list. Just visit his profile and click on the button “Remove as a favorite”. You’ll find this button in the right corner at the end of the page. If you want to, you can remove him by clicking on the star besides his messages. After that, this star will turn from yellow to white. This user is not your favorite anymore. What does it mean, when there are dots in different colors next to user names? On FlirtBlue we use different colors to show the online status of our users. Green means, that this person is online right in that moment. White means offline. Please note, that it’s possible to disable this function, if a person chose the ghost mode for his profile.

Messages are - parallel to your profile - another possibility to leave a positive impression on other users. Therefore, it is of course advisable to make an effort when writing. The following FAQ section offers you a lot of information about this exciting topic. Why is a conversation suddenly no longer displayed? There are two possible reasons for this. Either the person with whom you have written has decided to delete their profile or they have been blocked by FlirtBlue because they have violated the applicable guidelines. We ask for your understanding that we are not allowed to give out detailed information about our members. How do I find old messages? Are you looking for an old message that may have left a lasting impression on you? No problem! Just use the search box in the message area to enter the name of the user. If you don't remember the name, you can also browse through the old conversations on the left. Note, however, that once messages have been deleted, they cannot be recovered! Before you remove messages forever, you should be very sure about this. I want to add someone to my favorites. How to do it? A certain person has made a great impression on you? In this case it might be a good idea to add them to your favorites? To do this, visit the profile and click on the icon in the lower right corner. If there is no star symbol here, you can simply select "Add as favorite". If you have already written to the user in question in the past, you can also give the user a star within the messages and thus add him to your favorites. The aforementioned star will then be displayed next to the user's name. How can I remove a user from my favorites? No user has to stay in your favorites "forever". To remove a user, visit the profile of the person in question. Then click on the icon in the bottom right corner and then on "Delete from favorites". You can also remove from favorites via messages. Just click on the star that appears next to the user's name. This will then turn white. Nobody answers my messages - why? If you notice that only a few people reply to your messages, it may be due to their content. Maybe you should rethink what you write? For example, many users have a feeling if you have written a general message and send it to many profiles. (We would generally advise against this, as the quality of the platform suffers). Personal messages are often much better received.

You want to share some special moments of your life with others? Perhaps you want to show the world your latest pictures? On FlirtBlue you can be creative – as long as it fits with our rules. You’ll find a lot of tools on our platform, with which it is possible to pimp your photo album to get an individual look. Just upload your pictures and raise your chances to get to know new interesting people on FlirtBlue. You are looking for inspirations? Perhaps you have some other questions concerning your photo album on FlirtBlue? No problem! We are very sure, that the following information will help you further. How can I put pictures on my profile? We are very sure, that, if you put pictures on your profile, you’ll receive more answers to your messages. Because of this it is helpful to invest some time in uploading the right photos. At first you have to click on your profile. After that click on “Add photos”. Now you can decide, if you want to upload pictures from your smartphone or from desktop. It is important, that you only use JPEG or PNG photos. Please note, that no picture is allowed to be bigger than 128 MB. If you want to arrange your pictures a little bit more, you can use a private folder. In this case it is possible to decide, who is able to see your pictures and who is not. How can I delete pictures? If you want to delete a picture, click on it with your mouse. Now you can choose the option “Delete picture”. Another opportunity: Open the picture you want to delete and click on “Delete picture”. The photo will be removed. Is it possible to change my profile picture? Sometimes it might be helpful to change your profile picture to get to know new interesting people. To change your profile picture you have to do the following: Open your profile and use the mouse to choose your favorite photo. After that a photo symbol appears. Just click on the symbol. Ready! You have a new profile picture! Is it possible to turn my pictures around? Unfortunately it is not possible to turn your pictures around. Because of this it is very important to check, that they are in the right position when you upload them. I sent photos via chat. Is it possible to delete them afterword? No. Unfortunately it is not possible to delete the pictures, that you sent via chat afterword. Please make sure, that you only send pictures, that you are convinced of. What do I have to consider concerning the size of my photos? Please note, that on FlirtBlue it is only possible to use JPEG- or PNG pictures. The maximum size is 128 MB (200 x 200 pixel). Make sure, that your pictures fit to these rules. FlirtBlue said, that my picture was not okay – why? Our team said, that your picture wasn’t okay, and you want to know why? Perhaps you’ll find the answer in the following section! - The picture you uploaded was too sexy? - Perhaps you uploaded a picture that shows people, who are under 18 years? - It’s not able to recognize your picture in the preview modus? (Sometimes pictures are too small or their quality is too low. Please don’t use too much filters. Other members want to have a look at your face.) - - You used a picture with a watermarking? - Your picture shows text? - You uploaded a picture, which doesn’t show you, but e. g. a famous person? - If you want to know more details about our rules and other details, just have a look at our guidelines! Our team can help you further, too. Are there pictures, which are not allowed to use? Sometimes we find pictures, that don’t fit with our rules. In this case, we delete them. Please never upload pictures, that you didn’t take by yourself or which belong to other people. If you don’t respect the rules of FlirtBlue, we might delete your account. Our goal is to create a platform for everybody. We want our members to feel well and save and we are of the opinion, that it is very important, to set high quality standards.

Flirting shall be fun. It is very important for us to protect the privacy of the members of FlirtBlue. Because of this you can use different settings to use our platform even more personal, so that everything matches to your expectations. How can I support my own safety on FlirtBlue? At first it is helpful to have a look at our FlirtBlue safety tips. You’ll find a link that leads to them at the bottom of your profile page. Please note, that you never should talk about sensitive content, just like bank accounts or something like this, in chats. Our team would never ask you about details like that. You want to know a little bit more about your safety on FlirtBlue? No problem! Just contact our customer support. They will help you further. Is it possible to report photos, which are inappropriate? Our team checks every photo, which people put in their profile. Although we are very correct, it might be possible, that a picture is published, which shouldn’t be. We are very thankful, if you send us a message, when you detected something like that. Please inform us. We want to make FlirtBlue a safe place. You can use the symbol at the bottom of the picture. Choose why this photo seems to be inappropriate to you. Is it too sexy? Or is it fake? If you find an inappropriate picture, which is not located in the search section? In this case click on the profile of the user, who posted it and choose “Block/ Report”. Of course it is possible to tell us the reason of your decision. Is it possible to report inappropriate acting? We want everybody to feel well on FlirtBlue. If you are of the opinion, that another user doesn’t act according to the rules, it is possible to report that, too. Just visit the profile of the user and choose “Block/ Report”. It would be helpful, if you decided to tell us the reason for your report. Just use the menu to find the point, that fits. Is it possible to report fake profiles? Someone took your picture and profile information and copied your details? Of course it is possible to tell us about it! Please use the contact formular for things like that and don’t forget to send us the link to the fake profile, so that we are able to check everything out. Someone stole my pictures! Is it possible to report things like that? Someone copied one of your pictures and uploaded it without your permission? Perhaps you are not a FlirtBlue member at all? In this case it is very important to let us know about the theft. Please send us the link, that leads to the profile with your picture. Our customer service will take care about that. I blocked someone in the past. Now I want to unlock him. How does that work? Nobody has to be blocked forever. Perhaps you want to give somebody a second chance? Just click on “Settings” on the upper right side on FlirtBlue and scroll until you reach the button “blocked users”. In this section it is possible to choose the user you want to unlock. Click on “Unlock” to give him the same rights as all the others. Now he is able to see you and your profile again. What do I have to do, if I want to block someone? If you want to block someone, visit his profile. Here it is possible to choose the “block” option. Messages, that are written from this person won’t be sent to you anymore. Blocking someone means to protect yourself from flirt mails, you don’t want to receive. More tips and advices for using FlirtBlue To make sure that you have fun on FlirtBlue, we’d like to give you some more advices and tips. The following details will help you further. If you have any more questions don’t hesitate to get in contact with our customer service! Never talk with other people about your password. Even people you know very well should not know about details like that. Always keep in mind: When you loose your password, it is not safe anymore! If you realize that someone hacked your profile, please contact our support team. They will help you further. You should also never talk in chats about financial details, just like bank accounts and stuff like that. Our team would never ask you for money, your bank account or credit card number. Please don’t talk with other people about your e-mail address, your real name, messenger details and so on. Unfortunately there are people, who assert, that they belong to our FlirtBlue team in order to ask you things about your bank account or to pay money to them. Sometimes they assert, that you won a prize and that you have to hand out further information about yourself to receive it. Our team would never ask things like that! Some members say, that they have a lot of financial problems and that you should help them. Profiles, who act that way often use fake pictures. After you sent your money to them, they will be deleted by their owners. We try to delete fake profiles as soon as possible. But please: Be careful, too. Take care, that your user name does not discriminate other people. The easiest way: Use your first name. If you want to learn more about safety in the internet, please have a look here Congratulations! You’ve got a date! We are very sure: Sooner or later you’ll have your first real date. FlirtBlue is full of nice, interesting and sexy people! And a lot of them wait for people like you! Of course we want you to have fun offline, too. The following sections include some tips for your dates in real-life! You are chatting with someone new? Ask him for an “up-to-date” picture. If you don’t want to meet a person in real life, you don’t have to. Listen to your feelings and only date people, that make you feel good. It is always better to have a phone call before you meet in person. Chatting on the telephone helps you to get to know someone better. Tell your friends about the date. You should inform them, that you are going to call them to say, that everything is “okay”. Call them, too, when you arrived at home. Don’t talk about your private address on the first date. Meet at a neutral place, e. g. a restaurant or something like that. There are a lot of gay cruising points, too, that are suited for first sex dates. At least it is important to plan, how you get there and how you get home. Think about an excuse, if you want to leave earlier. Take care of your drink and of your personal belongings. And don’t forget to enjoy your date, if everything works out fine!

We want you to feel comfortable on FlirtBlue and date honestly. We want our users to be allowed to be who they are. At the same time, we want you to benefit from an atmosphere of being able to say what you're looking for. In summary: We want you to feel that your visit to FlirtBlue is a positive one in every way, and that our platform is used responsibly by everyone. The expectations that so many people have of FlirtBlue should not be disappointed. Our community guidelines are an important basis in this context. They show you what is accepted on FlirtBlue and what is not. So if you should ask yourself the question "Is this allowed?" when using our platform, it is best to simply take a look at these guidelines. If everyone adheres to the appropriate guidelines, FlirtBlue is sure to be an enjoyable experience for all. Of course, we always try to update and adjust the guidelines for our community on a regular basis. This way we make sure that every member can represent themselves in the best possible way and that many other types of innovations are also taken into account. FlirtBlue can only be used by persons 18 years and older On FlirtBlue only adults are allowed to find each other. You can only register as a user here if you are older than 18 years. If you register and you are younger than 18 years old and you attract our attention, we will block your profile. In this case you can no longer use FlirtBlue. If you are over 18 years old and are unjustifiably blocked by us, we reserve the right to request an identification document from you so that we can verify your identity. Attention. In case you plan to show children on your photos, there are two important rules! The children in question should never be seen alone in the pictures. Make sure that the children are always fully clothed. These two rules are intended to increase the safety of everyone involved. We ask for your understanding. Please stay honest! In the course of your registration on FlirtBlue we ask for various details about you. When creating your profile, we expect you to be honest. Among other things this means: - Please enter a name, nicknames are of course also okay. - Upload only honest and real pictures. - Do not misrepresent yourself or pretend to be someone else. - Give honest information. These things have no place on FlirtBlue: - False age and location information - Photos of others and not of you - Extremely edited photos in which you are not recognizable - Photos without a face or photos where your face is not recognizable - Photos with watermarks and logos, text and/or heavy editing. - Discriminatory content. FlirtBlue sees itself as an open-minded and diverse community. We want users to respect each other. This includes, but is not limited to, appearance, interests, views, and identity. We do not tolerate hate speech and discrimination. We will take action against profiles from which racism, violence, hatred, bigotry, dehumanization and harm emanate. Hate speech related to: - Ethnicities - Physical and mental limitations - ages - Nationalities - Sexual Orientations - genders - Gender identities - religion - Appearance (among other things also with regard to body shaming) we will investigate and block the corresponding profiles. Under Hate Speech and discrimination we understand among other things also: - Symbols of hate-motivated groups that discriminate against others. - Insensitive jokes and memes - Comments that call for physical or psychological violence against - persons or groups - Slurs - Threats against others, including political actors - Dehumanizing images - Imposing one's own "ideals" - including in connection with body shaming - Harassment - Insult - Abuse. FlirtBlue should be a platform where everyone feels comfortable. You should be able to show yourself as you are. At the same time, we expect that you do not cause unpleasant feelings in others. Therefore, in any case, refrain from: - On- or offline stalking - Sending obscene pictures to users who do not want to see them. - Sexual advances, if these are not desired Making lewd comments to users who are not interested in them - Images and videos that show content with which at least one of the - involved obviously did not agree with - Sexual exploitation - Sex trafficking - Sexual violence - Pedophile content - Threats - Acts of violence - scam - Scams. It is forbidden to take financial advantage of other FlirtBlue members. This means: - Do not share your account information in order to have money transferred to you by other users. - Do not try to obtain sensitive personal data (account numbers, etc.). - Do not lie to get financial support from other users. - Do not send spam messages by regularly contacting others to advertise commercial and non-commercial purposes. By "advertising" we mean the following: - Mails with which you want to achieve traffic/interaction with other websites and accounts. - Creating multiple accounts that post the same content to gain interaction - Copy & paste in the message area - Advertisements and request for interaction. We would like to point out at this point that FlirtBlue is not a marketplace. Therefore, it is prohibited to use the platform for commercial purposes. This includes advertising for: - Companies - events - performances - music. It is also forbidden to ask other users for anything. This includes: - Photos that are intended to offer services or products for sale - Advertisements for sexual services and escort services - adult entertainment - Links to accounts of a financial nature, petitions and commercial sites - Sharing services that must be used on a subscription basis - Links to your social media account - Asking for gifts and/or money - Campaigns from the political sphere - Creating multiple accounts. Attention: Creating multiple accounts is prohibited! Please note that it is forbidden to have multiple accounts at the same time. At the same time, it is not allowed to keep deleting one account and then creating a new one. At the same time you are not allowed to share accounts with other users. Group or partner accounts are forbidden. 1 person = 1 account. We want you to be able to focus on yourself in the best possible way. And that does not succeed if several people share a profile. How is moderation done on FlirtBlue? Our system is managed by automated systems as well as moderators. Thus, we monitor accounts and messages for content that violates our community guidelines or TOS. Users who decide not to comply with the relevant guidelines - either online or offline - we reserve the right to restrict your account or permanently block your FlirtBlue account. If you have any questions regarding our policies, please do not hesitate to contact our FlirtBlue team.

We want you to have fun on FlirtBlue! An individually designed profile plays a particularly important role in this context. Therefore, you can use many possibilities to present yourself optimally when creating it. In this section we would like to show you how you can use your profile optimally as a "business card". As always, it is important that you remain true to yourself. The following FAQ section will help you. How do I register on FlirtBlue? You are already registered and want to get started? No problem! Then you just have to register on the FlirtBlue site. Click on "Log in", enter your email address and password and select "Log in" again. You are ready to go! If you haven't created a profile in the past, click on "Register now" - also on the homepage - and follow the instructions. The next steps are self-explanatory. What do I have to do if I have forgotten my password? This can happen to anyone! But don't worry: This problem will be solved quickly. The best thing to do is to click directly on the link under "Forgotten password". You will find it on the page where you can log in. After you click on it, just follow the instructions on the screen. They will show you how to create a new password. I have registered on FlirtBlue but did not receive an email confirmation. What should I do? When you have completed your registration, you will receive a confirmation to the e-mail address you provided. With the help of this confirmation you can complete your registration. If you do not receive an e-mail, please check your spam folder first. Maybe it has "hidden" here? If so, it is best to mark it as "No Junk" or "No Spam". This way you can make sure that you will not miss any more mail from FlirtBlue. If your confirmation mail is also not in the spam folder, it may be that you have made a spelling mistake. Compare the mail from your registration in this regard necessarily again. If you discover an error, simply enter your address again and request a new confirmation. How can I change my name on FlirtBlue? First of all, it is of course important that you choose your username when registering so that you will ideally be happy with it over a longer period of time. If you have made a spelling mistake, please contact our support team. They will be able to help you. How do I change my email address on FlirtBlue? If you want to change your e-mail address, first click on the symbol that is displayed next to "Your profile". Here you can enter your new email address and save it. In order to be able to use the new address, you must enter your password again at this point. How do I change my password on FlirtBlue? Your password on FlirtBlue is not set in stone. To change it, open your profile and select the settings section. This is located in the upper right corner. There you will also find the pencil icon. If you clicked on it, you can enter your new password. Save it and enter your "old password" again to confirm the new one. When you have saved it again, the new password is active. I have not received any mail, although I have entered "Forgotten password". What should I do? In such a case you should make sure that you have really entered the correct e-mail address. Only if this is the address you registered with, we can send you your "forgot password" mail. If the email address is correct, please check your spam folder again. If you find it here, you can also mark it directly as "No Junk" or "No Spam". Then follow the instructions displayed in the mail. The "Forgot password" mail was not in the spam folder either? In this case we would like to ask you to contact our customer service. What do the payment settings mean? In the payment settings section you can edit your preferred payment methods, but also check and top up your points balance, decide for (or against) automatic top-up and finally also terminate your FlirtBlue Premium membership. If you have chosen Paypal or credit card, you can also cut the link to your profile in this section. To access your payment settings, click on the gear icon (top right) and scroll down until you reach the payment settings. How can I delete my FlirtBlue profile? You are really sure that you want to delete your FlirtBlue profile? Of course we find that a pity. In general this is of course possible. To do this, first log in and then click on the gearwheel at the top right of your profile. Then scroll to the bottom of the page, click on "Delete profile" and simply follow the instructions that appear. Additional tip: If you have problems logging in, you can of course request a new password at any time. If the corresponding mail does not arrive in your "normal" mailbox, simply check your spam folder. Often it "hides" here as well. If all this doesn't help, you can also contact our customer service. Our support team will be happy to help you. What does "invisible mode" mean? The invisible mode is also called "ghost mode". It can only be used by our premium members. The principle behind this is very simple: If you are in invisible mode, you can be on FlirtBlue without other users knowing who you are. You want to switch from "classic mode" to invisibility mode? In this case go to "Settings" and select the invisibility mode there. Please note that this service is only available to users who have opted for the Premium variant. Is it also possible to disable notifications? Yes, you can. To do this, open your profile and click on the gear icon in the upper right corner. Then scroll down to the "Notifications" section and click on it. Here you can adjust all the settings related to notifications. If you want, you can disable the notifications that reach you via mail or within your browser - except for a few standard mails that are sent via FlirtBlue. However, this step is not final. If you want, you can activate the notifications again at any time. After you have made sure that everything is right for you, all you have to do is save. Is it possible to restore deleted profiles? We are of course happy about everyone who decides to come back. Unfortunately, however, you cannot restore your old, deleted profile. Therefore, it is necessary to create a new one. How to edit saved payment methods? To do this, click on the settings (gear icon in the upper right corner). Then scroll down to the payment settings and click on the corresponding area. Here you can then make the respective changes. I have been debited, but I don't know why? If an amount has been debited from your account that you cannot allocate, you should first check whether your subscription is running under Premium or whether you have set your points to recharge automatically. You want to cancel your FlirtBlue subscription? If you have paid by PayPal or credit card, click on the payment settings and deactivate it there. Of course, it is also possible to stop the automatic recharging of points here. To do this, click on the settings again, select "Payment settings" and deactivate the automatic recharge there. You have further questions? In this case we would like to refer you to our customer service. Our friendly team will be happy to help you.

You want to increase your chances of meeting people through FlirtBlue even more? In this case, you should consider using the FlirtBlue Premium variant. One question that is of course legitimate in this context is: what do I get for my money? With FlirtBlue Premium you can take advantage of several benefits. If you have any questions, please contact our customer service. The following sections go into a little more detail about the benefits of the Premium Option. Which functions are available to me if I decide to use FlirtBlue Premium? FlirtBlue Premium offers you many additional features compared to the Basic option, which users of the free option cannot use. This way you can definitely meet new people even easier. The following functions are fully available to you as a FlirtBlue Premium user. A comprehensive use of the Cruising meeting points On the different Cruising meeting points it is possible as a Premium Silver Member to see all pictures of the different users. Should you have opted for the Gold Premium Membership, you can even pin your profile freely according to the motto "I was here!". Your advantages in the forum If you are a Premium Silver member, you can also see all pictures of the different users in the forum. The search as a Premium Member You are a Premium Silver member? In this case you can view all pictures of all users and also save your search function or filter. This will save you time for your next search. As a Premium Silver member you can continue your search in other zip code areas and countries. As a Gold Premium member you can also switch to Travel mode and change your own location. Please note that changing your own location is possible every 48 hours. Sending messages As a Premium Silver member you can view all pictures in the message area. You can also read and send messages. The advantages you benefit from as a Premium Gold user go one step further. Here you can, for example, select the function "Show messages before everyone else". Furthermore, the "read status" is visible to you. In this way, you can find out whether your addressee has already seen your message or whether he has not yet been able to reply because he has not yet looked in his inbox. Curious about your profile visitors? If you are a Premium Silver member on FlirtBlue, you can view the profiles of your visitors completely. So you can see who had at least some "basic interest" in you. Liken as "first entrance ticket Just about everyone is happy about a Like or two, isn't it? As a premium user, you can view a list of all profiles that have left you one of the coveted likes. Of course you can also like back. You are one of our Premium Gold Members? Then you can also create your own personal favorites list and see the favorites of other users. FlirtBlue without advertising As a Premium Member you will not see any ads. You can enjoy all content without ads. Set profile to "Not visible You like to be a little "incognito" here and there? No problem! In this case, as a premium member you can switch your entire profile, including the name and the picture, to "not visible". Using the Ghost Mode, you can also specify that you will not be displayed to other users as a profile visitor. This way you can look around in peace without anyone knowing that you have stopped by in a virtual way. Private photo albums As a Premium Silver user of FlirtBlue you have the possibility to request private access to photo albums and also to give permission. You see: Many advantages, with which you can use FlirtBlue a little more individually and extensively! How does the FlirtBlue premium membership work? With your FlirtBlue premium membership you can choose between different durations. Also with regard to the available payment methods, you benefit from a wide selection. Please note that your FlirtBlue Premium membership will automatically renew if you do not cancel it. In addition, depending on the country, sometimes other payment methods are available to you. You want to cancel your FlirtBlue membership? This is of course a pity, but possible. To do this, select "Edit payment settings". There you will find, among other things, the option "cancel". Can I pay for my FlirtBlue premium membership via PayPal or credit card? Yes, just click on the button "Activate Premium" and follow the further instructions. You have the option to pay either by credit card, Sofortüberweisung or PayPal. After we have received your payment, we will send you a confirmation by mail. Please note that your membership will be renewed automatically. You would like to pay your FlirtBlue premium membership by credit card? In this case, simply select which membership you would like to "book" and then follow the instructions on the screen. Don't forget to click on "Activate" at the end. Of course you will receive a confirmation of your payment. Check your mails (maybe also under "Spam"?). If you don't find anything here, please contact our customer service. They will be happy to help you. If you prefer to pay via PayPal, the process is similar. Again, the first step is to choose a membership and activate it. After that you will be redirected to the PayPal pages. There you can complete the payment process. How can I cancel my FlirtBlue Premium Silver or Premium Gold membership? The cancellation of your FlirtBlue Premium Silver or Premium Gold membership is completely uncomplicated. Simply follow these step-by-step instructions (refers to the desktop variant and the variant for users of mobile devices): - Click on the "Payment settings" section in the settings. - Select "Cancel membership". After that, your membership will be terminated on the last day of the period for which you have paid. Please make sure that you have followed all the steps correctly. If you have any questions regarding the cancellation (or other issues), you can always contact our customer service. Our friendly team will be happy to help you. I can't buy a FlirtBlue Premium Silver or Premium Gold membership. Why is that? You want to buy a FlirtBlue Premium Silver or a Premium Gold membership, but you always get an error message or the membership is not activated? In this case we would also like to ask you to contact our customer service. Please always indicate the payment method used and explain the problem to our staff as precisely as possible. This is the best way for us to help you.

An important info first: The registration and the use of FlirtBlue are free of charge. So you can chat to your heart's content and meet new, interesting people. Use the free function, among other things, to: - flirt - upload pictures - exchange ideas in the forum - have a look at the blog and the different cruising areas - ... just have fun! If these "basics" are not enough for you, you can expand your FlirtBlue membership even further via the Premium variant. Some of the most popular Premium features include the following "extras": - Display your messages before messages from non-Premium users. - Info about whether the addressee of your message has already seen it. You can buy features like these with our FlirtBlue Coins. You have questions? Maybe they will be answered in the following sections? What are FlirtBlue Coins? With the help of our FlirtBlue Coins it is even a little easier to draw attention to you and your profile. Make sure that your message is displayed before the messages of other users and check if your flirt has already seen your message! How many coins can I buy? Currently we offer coins in packages of 100, 550, 1,250 and 2,750. Just choose the denomination that best fits your needs! I can't buy FlirtBlue Coins. What should I do? If you are unable to purchase FlirtBlue Coins, please contact our customer service. Please have your payment method ready and explain your problem in as much detail as possible. Based on your information, we will be happy to help you!

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