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The previous events from the queer scene of 2023
August 14, 2023 0 Comments

The queer year 2023 so far: These events caused a stir!

The queer year 2023 so far. Those who have been on the lookout for queer events in recent weeks and months have found them in a wide variety of areas. Whether it's to attract political attention or "just" to have fun: It certainly didn't (and won't) get boring.

However, those who missed some or all of the below events need not worry. The year is still long and will certainly offer one or two more highlights.

However, many people from the scene are already happy about the fact that, strictly speaking, the term "queer event" does not really apply anymore. Because: Nowadays there are also numerous straight people who don't miss the opportunity to support the community - for example in the context of CSDs - and thus openly show "We are on your side!

The following events were a great success!

(Want to know more about upcoming events? In that case, you should also take a look at the article "2023/2024: These queer events are still coming up!").

The CSD Berlin: A highlight that (once again) attracted the masses

At CSD hundreds of thousands of people marched through the German capital. According to the police, the event took place without major incidents and sent an important message to the world. The main grandstand was located at the Brandenburg Gate. Among other things, many celebrities were again on site this year. For example, Tokio Hotel and Heidi Klum gave themselves the honor.

To celebrate the day, a rainbow flag flew in front of the Federal Chancellery. By the way, the motto of this year's CSD in Berlin was "Be their voice - and ours!" and showed once again how closely community and non-community are now intertwined and support each other.

Special topics that were addressed during the event - and among others also thematized in various speeches - were the Ukraine war and its queer refugees, but also the fact that many queers within the community cannot yet benefit from sufficient visibility. This is exactly what should change in the future. The Germany-wide CSDs should play their part in achieving this goal.

The Public Viewing Events around the "Charming Boys

The queer year 2023 events and happenings

The Charming Boys series has managed to build up an impressive fan base within a short time. This was evident, among other things, from the fact that the public viewings for the series in Cologne attracted numerous fans.

Here, however, not only spectators but also some of the protagonists were represented again and again. For example, fans had the opportunity to meet TV favorite Aaron Königs. And even apart from the Charming Boys, one or the other reality TV starlet was represented. Anyone who was in the mood for entertainment with a very special entertainment factor and close to the stars was in exactly the right place here.

The Dyke*March in Nuremberg

Also the Dyke*March already increased the visibility of part of the community this year. Here, queer, lesbian and genderqueer women are in the focus. And also the Dyke*March is not "only" about demonstrating. Instead, the focus is also on numerous political demands.

The topics addressed were similar to those of the CSDs. This year, much revolves around the problem that currently, due to the war, many queers have to leave their home countries.

The audience of the Dyke*March was - in the truest sense of the word - mixed. Although explicit reference was made to the situation of female queers, many men and non-community members were there again this year.

Commemorations of the queer victims of National Socialism

This year again, various commemorations for the queer victims of National Socialism took place on January 27, 2023. Here, the people who were persecuted and killed because of their sexual orientation and identity were commemorated.

Many activists consider the commemorations a success, having long advocated for more attention to be paid to queer victims of the Nazis.

The queer action week

In June/ July the queer action week took place in Berlin. Here, visitors had the opportunity to participate in various workshops and talks and to dare to take a look into the past. Among other things, there were answers to questions such as, "What did lesbian life look like decades ago?" And the fact that many queer people still face physical and psychological violence was also brought into focus.

And also in the context of the queer action week it became clear: Queer events are not only aimed at queers, but at the whole of society and at everyone who feels like taking a look outside the box.

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