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Gay outdoor cruising in summer
June 21, 2024 0 Comments

Outdoor cruising in summer: 3 best places

Outdoor cruising in summer: Summer is the perfect time to be active outdoors and meet new people. For many in the gay community, outdoor cruising is also one of the pleasures of summer. This involves spontaneous and anonymous meetings in public or semi-public spaces. But where are the best places to go and what should you bear in mind to be safe and respectful? In this article, you'll find out everything you need to know about outdoor cruising in summer. We'll introduce you to popular and well-known locations and give you useful tips so that you can have an enjoyable and safe experience. Whether you're a newcomer or already have experience - you'll find valuable information here.

Popular locations for outdoor cruising

Parks and green spaces

Tiergarten, Berlin: The Tiergarten is a central park in Berlin and is known for its lively cruising spots, especially around the English Garden. The many hidden paths and dense groups of trees offer numerous opportunities for discreet encounters.

English Garden, Munich: Munich also has a well-known cruising spot in the English Garden. There are many opportunities for spontaneous encounters, especially in the evening hours and in the less frequented areas.

Royal Gardens, Vienna: The Royal Gardens are a popular meeting place in Vienna. The wide green spaces and hidden paths offer ideal conditions for outdoor cruising.

Beaches and lakes Outdoor cruising in summer

Strandbad Wannsee, Berlin: Strandbad Wannsee is a hotspot for the gay community, especially in the summer months. In the evening, when it gets quieter, it is a popular meeting place.

Flaucher, Munich: There are many small bays and beaches along the Isar that are ideal for cruising. The Flaucher is a particularly popular spot in warm weather.

Lake Neusiedl, Austria: Lake Neusiedl is a large lake that attracts many visitors in summer. There are also certain areas here that are known as cruising spots.

Forests and remote areas

Grunewald, Berlin: The Grunewald is a large forest in Berlin that offers many hidden paths and clearings. Ideal for those looking for a little more seclusion.

Auwald, Leipzig: The Auwald is a densely wooded area with many secret spots, perfect for discreet meetings and explorations.

These locations are just a selection of the many options available for outdoor cruising. It is important that you stick to the basic rules in order to travel safely and respectfully.

Important tips for safe and respectful cruising

Safety first

Safety is the be-all and end-all when cruising outdoors in summer. Only use well-frequented and well-known locations to minimize the risk of unpleasant situations. It's a good idea to let someone in your circle of friends know where you're going. That way, someone will always know where you are in case of an emergency. Trust your gut feeling - if a situation seems uncomfortable or you feel unsafe, it's better to go somewhere else. It's better to be safe than sorry.

Outdoor cruising in summer

Respect and discretion

Respect for others and discretion are crucial. Be respectful of other people and respect their privacy. Some people specifically seek anonymous encounters and want to protect their identity. Don't leave any garbage behind and keep the area clean. Other park or beach visitors should not be disturbed or bothered. Remember that other people also want to enjoy nature and the surroundings.

Protection and health

Protection and health are Cruising is also important. Always use condoms and other protection to protect yourself and others from sexually transmitted diseases. Take care of your health by carrying enough water and snacks, especially on hot summer days. Avoid dangerous or unsafe places, especially at night. Dark and remote areas may seem exciting, but they also carry higher risks.


Outdoor cruising in summer can be an exciting and fulfilling experience if you know the right places and follow a few basic rules. With the above tips and locations, nothing stands in the way of a safe and fun summer!

Use the summer to meet new people and experience exciting adventures. Always follow the safety rules and respect your surroundings and other people. This will make the cruising experience positive and unforgettable for everyone involved.

Closing words

Do you have any other favorite spots or tips for outdoor cruising in summer? Share them with us in the comments! Stay safe and enjoy the summer. Everyone should have the opportunity to enjoy themselves freely and safely, and with a little consideration and caution, we can all help make this possible.

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