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Body transformation stay motivated!
August 18, 2023 0 Comments

Bodytransformation: Motivated in the LGBTQIA+ Community

If you take a closer look at the #bodytransformation, you will quickly come across impressive success stories. Among other things, many members of the LGBTQIA+ community regularly post the progress they make in outdoor sports and in the gym.

However, there is more behind the pictures, on which athletic peak performances and muscles can often be admired. It always takes the right motivation to get up the nerve to achieve one's fitness goals. In this context, it is particularly impressive that the community also manages to stick together here and ensures that the inner pig has as little chance as possible. But: Body transformations also play an important role in the area of transition. After all, those affected get to know their bodies in a completely new way during this time. There is definitely no lack of encouragement and words of encouragement from the scene.

How do body transformation and self-care go together?

Those who think of body transformation often think of endless hours in the gym. However, this is only a small part of what it takes to achieve lasting change. In order for both the body and the psyche to benefit, it is important not to neglect the area of self-care as well. Self-care means taking care of yourself despite all your ambition, not overextending yourself and instead accepting yourself as you are. Or in other words: If you are at peace with yourself (largely independent of your weight) and your appearance, you have the perfect basis for doing something good for yourself (for example, based on sports and wellness). Prepare for the next group trip!

Sport in the social networks

Body transformation community support

Many people from the community also enjoy sharing their sporting successes on the Internet. Not only because they want to show the world what they have already achieved. The emerging sense of community should also not be underestimated. Many trans people, for example, find it difficult to identify with their body during the initial period of transition. Even though they may have wanted a gender reassignment for years, they find many things unfamiliar. This is precisely what is absolutely normal. In this context, social networks represent a wonderful platform when it comes to exchanging ideas. Words of praise, which can refer both to athletic successes and to the mental attitude of those affected, do good.

Joint sports activities

Especially in many larger cities, there are now opportunities for "queer-internal" sports. Whoever feels like it, with regard to Fitness topics to be among themselves and to exchange ideas with like-minded people is well advised to look for the appropriate offers. The participants often come from the most diverse areas of the rainbow and sometimes have a similar story behind them. Here, too, there are likely to be many people who are either in the middle of a gender reassignment or still have it ahead of them.

Document successes

Every athletic success story is worth documenting. Regardless of whether they are simply trying to lose a few pounds, prepare for a marathon or feel good in their own, possibly "new", body: Anyone who feels like a special motivational boost would be well advised to keep a record of their workouts and their results.

This may seem a little exaggerated during the first few days and weeks. However, at the latest when the first successes have been achieved and the psyche has also benefited from the extra exercise, it is fun to look back.

Working towards a specific goal

A look at queer event calendars shows that there will be a large number of scene events both this year and next year. Especially the annual CSDs, for example in Berlin or in Cologne, are an absolute highlight for many. Events like these can serve as additional motivation when it comes to wearing a certain costume, for example. But: It's also fun to combine anticipation and fitness in connection with vacations. However, one of the most beautiful occasions is certainly to prepare for one's own wedding in the context of a body transformation and the self-care associated with it.

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