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How frivolous the LGBTQIA+ community really is
May 21, 2023 2 Comments

How frivolous is the LGBTQIA+ community?

How frivolous is the LGBTQIA+ community Those who have never been in contact with the LGBTQIA+ community, have never partied with queers, and may not have anyone who is gay or lesbian in their circle of acquaintances, for example, often have "interesting ideas" about what goes on within the scene.

The abundance of prejudices is often unbearable. For example, some people are still of the opinion that gay men cannot be faithful and that there always has to be a "male part" in lesbian relationships. Of course, the whole thing becomes particularly homophobic and frightening when sentences like "He/she just hasn't found the right woman/the right man yet!

But how frivolous is the LGBTQIA+ community? How "hot" or even how "ordinary" is it here? What is certain is that some people might be surprised to learn that queer relationships are not necessarily all that different from straight relationships. Why would they be?

What does "frivolous" mean?

According to the dictionary, "frivolous" means something like "frivolous" and "unquestioning". Referring to how frivolous is the LGBTQIA+ community and the resulting prejudices that many people still have in this context, "frivolous" stands for a free, open, but also special sexual interaction with each other.

But is it really true that numerous queers have a "special sexuality"? Is it mainly gay men who meet in parks at night to celebrate orgies? And do feminine-looking women actually always look for a masculine partner?

No! A closer look shows that the LGBTQIA+ scene is not more frivolous than the rest of society. However, one of the main differences is that many queers deal with their passions and sexuality differently.

Prejudice No. 1: Gay men wear lacquer and leather and are into BDSM

BDSM has many followers within society - both in the scene and among heteros. The game with the pain is perceived by many as particularly attractive. However, if you take a closer look at the topic, you will quickly realize that this is not a purely queer topic. For example, there are quite a few men who visit female doms and are not gay. The BDSM scene has grown over time. Members come from all different walks of life. Whether a person is queer or straight is absolutely irrelevant here. Nevertheless, the question quickly arises, how frivolous is the LGBTQIA+ community?

However, the Puppy fetish in particular may have led many to locate BDSM almost exclusively in the scene. Here, people wear leather dog masks and are often "walked" by their masters.

The fetish is often lived out behind closed doors. But: With many different CSDs he gets visibility. And here it is often the gay men who dare to stand by themselves and their passion.

Prejudice No. 2: Young gay looking for a "daddy

The age difference in relationships still plays an important role for many people. The following applies: As long as a relationship is legal and both have entered into it voluntarily, the rest of society should not be bothered by it either.

There are also quite a few couples in the world of heteros where HE could be their father or SHE could be their mother. However, if you look at the scene, you will more often find the word "daddy". Freely according to the motto "Where love falls", a little more tolerance would certainly be desirable here.

Prejudice No. 3: All gay men cheat at some point

How frivolous is the LGBTQ community really?

For many, fidelity and homosexual relationships do not go together. Yet there is plenty of evidence today that a homosexual partnership can be just as long-lasting as its heterosexual counterpart.

Several same sex couples marry and decide to spend the rest of their lives together and be faithful to each other. There are now studies that have proven that queers are just as faithful (or unfaithful) as straight men. Anyone who holds the opinion that "All gay men cheat at some point!" must inevitably also hold the view that infidelity plays a role in heterosexual relationships as well.

Whether a person remains faithful to his/her partner or not is not dependent on sexual orientation, but on many other factors.

Prejudice No. 4: Orgies are the order of the day in the scene

When people think of rest area meetings and the like, they often think of gay men. But here, too, things have changed over time. The relevant locations are now also visited by many bi- and heterosexual people. Either because they are curious or because they themselves want to experience the thrill of being observed by others and perhaps invited to join in.

Cruising is firmly rooted in the gay scene - but has long ceased to be a purely gay "phenomenon".


Things are often hot in the scene. Now and then it may seem as if the LGBTQIA+ community is more frivolous than other parts of society. However, this only seems to be the case because it is important to many queers to live out their identity after coming out. They see no reason to restrict themselves and conform and are accordingly somewhat ahead of many other people (at least with regard to the area of self-realization).


  1. Arm_180748

    June 6, 2023

    Hi you hot gays!

  2. devotPublicNuttte

    July 22, 2023

    For decades I lived secretly gay but and for 5 years I live as an open submissive sow and am totally into porno turn also bdsm

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