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These queer events are still coming in 2023/2024
August 26, 2023 0 Comments

2023/2024: These queer events are still coming up!

One of the biggest queer events of Pride Month is over. However, this does not mean that it will be boring event-wise within the scene. On the contrary! The rest of the year and the year 2024 are also full of queer highlights that are worth paying attention to.

It doesn't matter whether it's about showing visibility, making a political statement or having fun: Many may find it difficult to simply pick a favorite among the plethora of offerings. Those who have no problem traveling at short notice, if they so choose, have an advantage. Exciting events are offered throughout Germany, attended not only by queers, but by many who feel connected to the community.

The following tips could serve as some sort of inspiration when it comes to filling your personal calendar a bit with plans around the rainbow flag.

The queer art and culture days (26.08. and 27.08.2023)

Behind the queer art and culture days is the online stage PINK.LIFE. The location in the Stadtpark Lichtenberg in Berlin offers a lot. If you're in the mood for queer creativity, this is the place to be. In each case at 15 o'clock it goes off. Visitors can expect a mix of readings, concerts, an extensive cultural program, exhibitions and many other highlights.

Among others, artists such as Malonda or MKSM are also represented. Admission is free. Due to the wide range of offerings, it is advisable for those who want to see as much as possible to stop by on both days.

The 1st Queer Literature Festival Munich (01.09.2023 to 03.09.2023)

Those who are in the mood for readings from the queer scene should feel particularly at home at the first Queer Literature Festival Munich. But: Those who are looking for works that are not necessarily connected to the community will also get their money's worth here. The event is intended to become a kind of meeting place and could help some to get to know works by artists who are perhaps not (yet?) too well known.

The GRC Hamburg Masters (weekend of 03.10.2023)

Openly queer athletes are (unfortunately) still a minority. This is not only evident in soccer, but also in golf. One event that could increase the visibility of those affected a little is the GRC Hamburg Masters. These are already taking place for the seventh time. The event is aimed at all golfers from the LGBTQIA+ community. Age and performance level are completely irrelevant.

Transtronica (from 12.10.2023)

2023/2024 queer events to come

The Transtronica Festival is a premiere. Because: This event is the first electronic music festival that is exclusively designed by a transsexual line up. It takes place at Kampnagel (Hamburg) and runs under the motto "A Place to be".

With all the modern music, however, a look into the past will also be dared. Visitors will be taken on a short journey to places where it was possible to be transsexual at a comparatively early stage. Among other things, international DJ sets will provide the right atmosphere.

The Winter Pride in St. George (from December 2023)

Who actually claimed that it is only possible to celebrate Prides in the summer? Hamburg or St. Georg proves the opposite! Here, the Winter Pride will open its doors in December 2023. To be more precise, Winter Pride is the only queer Christmas market in the whole of Hamburg. Anyone who knows the location knows that the event is characterized by a very special atmosphere.

Additional tip: Almost parallel to the Winter Pride in Hamburg, the "Frankfurt Gay Christmas Market" will take place (11/22/2023 to 12/22/2023).

The Cologne Pride (July 19-21, 2024)

The Cologne Pride is - next to the Berlin CSD - one of the most popular Pride events in Germany. However, it has been postponed for 2024 due to the upcoming European Football Championship. Cologne is hosting games as part of the sporting event. There would be overlaps, for example at the Heumarkt, with the organization of the UEFA European Football Championship cultural festival. Therefore, those responsible decided to use an alternative date.

The fair & symposium of the self-help organization Gendertreff e. V. (15.06.2024)

The fair & symposium of the self-help organization Gendertreff e. V. takes place in Leverkusen. It is aimed at trans people, their relatives and all those who are interested in the topic of transsexuality. Here it is possible to talk to experts and to exchange ideas. In addition, there is the possibility to participate in expert lectures.

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